[Ireland 1800-1850 Copyright
© 2001 by Desmond Keenan Summmary. Traditional histories of Ireland were written from a strongly ideological nationalist poit of view and suffered from the defects that resulted from such ideological distortion.It concludes with a summary of how the author tried to correct such distortions. *************************************************************************
So-called ‘Independence’ struggles ************************************************************************* In this work an attempt is made to fill a major gap in the writing
of Irish history. It is my intention to try to cover the major events that occurred
in the period 1800 to 1850 which affected any large section of the population regardless of their religion or political allegiance. It is
true that certain aspects of history no longer command the interest they once
did, for example the struggle against Napoleon. But that struggle was very
important to Irishmen living at the time, and a large part of their endeavours
was directed towards achieving his overthrow. It is not surprising that
this part of Irish history did not attract the attention of Irish historians.
Most of these were writing from a nationalist point of view, and were really
only interested in the struggle for repeal of the Act of Union. Even when they
treated other matters, they were largely concerned with the activities of
Daniel O’Connell, a great nationalist hero. They were not at all interested in
the activities of Irishmen who favoured the Influence of Racist Theory
The writing of history by
the nationalists was strongly influenced by their ideology and assumptions.
They, in accordance with prevailing fashion, assumed that various ‘races’
existed, that the Irish were of the ‘Celtic race’ and the English of the
‘Anglo-Saxon’ race, that the Celts had a natural right to own and rule the land
of Ireland, and that the Anglo-Saxons were foreign aggressors who had invaded
and ‘occupied’ Ireland. Such ideology and assumptions, since their abuse by
Hitler before and during the Second World War, are no longer acceptable either
to historians or to the general public. The fact that
nationalist support was drawn largely from the lower classes that looked to
independence as a means of improving themselves economically at the expense of
the upper classes resulted in nationalist propaganda being heavily loaded
against those classes. It was in their interest to depict their own
followers in the most favourable colours, and their opponents in the blackest
of colours. This could be done in various ways. One could select for recounting
only those episodes that showed their supporters in a good light and their
opponents in a bad light. Suppressing relevant facts could often do this. For
example if an historian records that a particular landlord evicted tenants while
the Famine was at its height, the landlord is depicted in an unfavourable light
while the tenants are depicted in a favourable light. There might be much more
to the story; reasons could be given why the evictions took place. But a
propagandist knows not to elaborate. At times too even the most careful
historian slips in adjectives, not supported by evidence, to paint a particular
picture. Words like ‘the cruel and treacherous English’ find favour with their
supporters, even if no evidence is advanced to show that the English were more
cruel and treacherous than the Irish. Another is to attribute bad motives to
their opponents and good motives to their supporters, or to interpret what was
said or done by the opponents in the least favourable way. Fair enough, if
sufficient evidence is adduced: but the nationalist writer is usually not
interested in fairness. It does not assist your cause if what your opponents
did was in fact beneficial to So-called ‘ It has been well observed
that most ‘independence’ movements or struggles have the nature of civil wars.
One group benefits from the existing status; another group would benefit if the
status were changed. The group in power tends to favour its own friends; the
group seeking power does so in order to benefits its
own friends. This cannot be admitted, so the political struggle for power and
wealth must be dressed up in idealistic terms with much use of words like
‘liberty’, ‘patriotism’, ‘democracy’, ‘self-determination’, and so on. But it
is the duty of the genuine historian to strip away pretences and reveal real
[Top] Lack
of Protestant Interest
Rather surprisingly even Protestant
historians had little interest in writing about this period, even though
Protestants had much to be proud of. This is partly because the theory of a
perpetual Protestant ‘ascendancy’ in a land where the majority of the people
were Catholics could scarcely be defended. Nor, for political reasons, did it
seem that the ownership of estates in land could be defended in Catholic Progress
It was also a period when
the Catholics made great strides. One may doubt the wisdom of some of them in
continuing the struggle for seats in Parliament, when almost anything else
would fairly easily have been conceded to them, things like access to the
offices of sheriff and mayor. Or the wisdom of O’Connell and his successors in
pursuing Home Rule in order to establish a Catholic-dominated Parliament when
the only possible effect of their campaign was to alienate Protestant support.
But apart from that, the conditions of the Catholics improved immensely in the
first half of the century. This was especially true in the towns and cities.
Catholics were free to engage in trade, even when excluded from corporations of
merchants. Many of them became very rich. When new churches were being built
there was no shortage of money for the purpose. The number of schools,
colleges, religious houses, orphanages, hospitals, and other works of mercy
increased rapidly. Though there were limits to this. Outside the towns it would
never have been feasible for the Catholics, of their own efforts, to fund a
Catholic school system. Neither would it have been possible to fund a
university in addition. Yet several bishops considered that this was a distinct
possibility, given good will. What Catholics have least to be proud of is the
open and unashamed attempt of Archbishop MacHale and Cardinal Cullen to
establish their own theocratic rule in a separate state. There were two major
problems in this period, which despite the best of efforts,
nobody could find a solution for. One was the proneness of the very poorest
classes to marry young and have large families, while at the same time
neglecting all opportunities to provide for the future. The other was the
endemic problem of what was called agrarian crime. In particular, where those
engaged in such activities directed their struggle against tithes, and received
popular support from many who should have known better, a rift opened in Irish
society which was never to be healed.
[Top] Historian’s
The genuine historian must
also question the assumptions of his predecessors. One first task must be to
establish if All history-writing
involves a selection and evaluation of source material. As this material, in
writing modern history, is almost limitless in extent, the researcher must have
some principles to guide his selection. The first principle I adopted was to
search for material on the political activities of all the significant groups
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright Desmond J. Keenan, B.S.Sc.; Ph.D. ;.London, U.K.